20 Minutes of Coaching Resulted in $52,000 for a Family in our Program

For those of you unfamiliar with our 4-Year, All-Inclusive, Start-to-Finish, College Confidence Program, one of the perks we offer our members is office hours twice a month to hash out smaller questions and problems, ones that wouldn't require an entire 30 minute meeting, but nonetheless, are important.

In a recent session of those office hours a couple weeks ago, a parent in the program mentioned to us that one of her daughter's top choice schools offered a financial/scholarship award less than her others. We shared some rather simple advice that ended up paying huge dividends for their family.

We informed her that she could simply reach out to the college, or her daughter could for that matter, and follow up with the data of how much that school offered compared to the others. The phone call in total would only need to take about 20 minutes, if that.

Then, two weeks later, she reported back to us with great news: the college offered $13,000 more a year than they had previously. Wow, that's incredible.

For those of you math-oriented individuals like we are, that's $2,600 per minute of her time. Can't get much better than that.

That might be hard to believe, so see it for yourself. Linked below is the video of her sharing the great news with me.

This case study originally highlighted in April 2023

Moments like these are why we enjoy hosting office hours so much. We get to talk to and help the families in our program while occasionally hearing great news like this.

If you're interested in the negotiation tactics the Toler family used or just want to talk and receive personalized college admissions advice, schedule a free 45-minute call with us to discuss all that and the possibility of joining the program. Who knows, maybe we can help you find your own hidden stash of $52,000?!

If first, you'd rather check out some more of our free materials before scheduling a call, join the new College Confidence Community dedicated to helping families like yours navigate the confusing admissions landscape. Plus, in that community, we share the same sort of tips that worked out so well for the Toler family.

Congrats to them again. Well deserved.

To your college planning success,
Jack Delehey
Founder, CollegeConsulting.us

P.S. - Do you have a highly motivated high schooler (min. 3.7 GPA)? We specialize in changing the lives of these exact types of students. If you'd like, you can learn more here.


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