Actionable, 14-min exercise to change your high schooler’s life

In the last 365 days, we’ve had four of our top students gain admission into the following schools:

  • Dartmouth (Jack, HS Class of 2023) - 6% acceptance rate

  • Cornell (Massimo, HS Class of 2023) - 7% acceptance rate

  • Georgetown (Nolan, HS Class of 2024) - 9% acceptance rate

  • Notre Dame (Emily, HS Class of 2024) - 11% acceptance rate

Here’s the kicker: Jack, Massimo, Nolan, and Emily were all great students.  They were! But guess what? Their grades & test scores all fell in the middle 50% of applicants at those schools.  What this means is in a different world, each of these students could have very easily been rejected.

But wait a second…they weren’t rejected.  They all got into their dream schools.  Their parents cried tears of joy!

So why did they get in when somewhere between 94% and 89% of their competitors…many of whom had equivalent or better grades and test scores…get rejected?

While there are a plethora of reasons, of course, there is one that stands out among all:

Each of these four students had a stand-out project.  While their competitors strived to do things that were difficult (and likely cost them valuable hours of sleep each night)…they each strived to do one or two things that were different (and sleep 8 hours per night along the way).

How’d they know to do this? Because they’re in our start-to-finish College Confidence Program.

But good news for you, today you don’t have to be in our program to get the exact same exercise.  All 14 minutes and 35 seconds of it.

Enjoy.  And (please!) if you have a 9th, 10th, or 11th grader, pass this exercise onto them.  It may just change their college admissions future forever.

To your college planning success,
Jack Delehey


Notre Dame admissions wrote our student a handwritten note…I was blown away by what it said…


'23 Wrapped (What a year!), BIG Plans in '24