Athletic Recruiting: A College Admissions Cheat Code

In our program, we commonly refer to the application process in terms of academics. You submit your test scores, grades, and classes, and hope it’s enough to get you into your dream school. Well, did you know that there’s another way—a way to get into a top-level college without perfect test scores and perfect grades?

By now, you should know what I’m referring to, Athletic Recruiting, which if you’ve been following along with the last couple blogs and youtube videos, can be a possible spike. If you missed them however, check them out here, here, and here.

Even if you don’t think you’re quite up to the D1 level in your sport, I’d still recommend watching the video as there are many ways to leverage athletics to your advantage in college admissions.

Check it out here:

Watch: Athletic Recruiting can be a College Admissions Cheat Code

Time: 41:48

For: Families interested in gaining admission to top universities through athletics




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