ATTN: Rising HS Seniors!

Are you a rising senior (or parent of one)? If yes, keep reading!  While our All-Inclusive, 4-Year, Start-to-Finish College Confidence Program is no longer available to rising seniors, our #1 goal is to help as many families find true college we hope the tips below can help those seniors whom we can't support in person!


First, congratulations! It may feel like you have a ways to go, but you have spent the past 3+ years setting yourself up for success in this process. You have put in the work, now its time to seal the deal!

I have a few tips for you this summer that will help keep you on track and mitigate some application stress during the busy school year!

1. Think about who you want to write your recommendations

Most colleges and universities require that you submit two teacher recommendations. Think about who knows you and your work ethic best, not just the teachers whose classes you do well in. College's like to know about what you do when you face adversity - do you give up or work harder?

2. Visit some schools

If you have some campuses you still are interested in visiting, summer is a great time to do so! Take a roadtrip with a parent, older sibling, or even grandparent, its a great way to enhance your college process while spending quality time with loved ones. Don't forget to use
my guide to maximize your summer college campus!

3. Get started on your personal statement

As we have mentioned before, it's July, which means we suggest you get started on your college essay. Explore
'The College Essay Guy' for some tips and tricks. In our program, each of our students complete their college essay, start to finish, between July 1 and September 1 over the summer, before their senior year.

4. Start creating your college list, don’t worry about refining TODAY

This is one of our biggest recommendations for rising seniors before the fall!

And if you aren't sure where to start, use our founder Jack Delehey's guide to begin exploring (or honing) that school list.  Hopefully, by watching this video, your family can not only be confident about college list-building but maybe even a little excited?!

Check the video out here:

Watch: Find the Overlap: Two Methods To Build Your Perfect School List
Time: 32:17
For: Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors, or anyone who needs help with their school list!

5. Mark August 1st on your calendar

The Common Application goes live on August 1, 2024. This is when you can explore the exact questions that the colleges on your list will ask of you. Until this, you can only start writing your personal statement (which you should do).

At we have deadlines for all of our high schoolers to make sure they are on track going into their senior year. Click
here and we can chat about it if you think this would help you and/or your child!

Best of luck!
Melina Kazanas

P.S. - Have a high-performing high schooler w/ a 3.7 GPA or higher? We'll help get them into at least one of their top 5 dream colleges...and if we don't get them into at least one of their top 5 dream colleges, you don't pay us a penny.  Seriously!  You can learn more about our world renowned all-inclusive, start-to-finish college coaching here and to see if your family qualifies for an introductory call.

P.P.S - Our most common question is "When should we start?!"  The answer is, if you truly care about giving your high schooler the best chance of college planning success, you should start NOW. 9th grade is not too early to start! 10th grade is certainly not too early to start! And 11th grade is far, far too late! (supporting data here to show just how much of an advantage you give your child by starting the process early).


To my high schoolers: How to overcome the pains of writing (from a former high schooler)...


Meet HS 2024 graduate, Addison!