College Planning: Don’t know where to start? Start with a case study

Remember the Stanley family?

That’s them.

If you’ve followed along with my newsletter, you’ve seen me highlight their progress intermittently over the last two years after joining start-to-finish College Confidence Program:

Well I’ve got to admit: yesterday I shed a tear. Jameson, whom I’ve worked with since January 2021, wrote to me from his college dorm (University of Denver) for the first time since arriving on campus:

…to the note above, just 20 months later, only reinforces my strong belief that with

-a proper, thoughtful, up-to-date college plan,

-a little motivation,

-and a lot of time,

any high school student should be able to experience complete 10/10 college confidence like Jameson has.

Congratulations, Jameson (right)! Judd (brother, pictured left) - it’s your turn next!

Happy college planning,


P.S. - If you want to give your high school child the feeling of tremendous confidence over the next 2-4 high school years, instead of watching them struggle to figure college planning all out on their own, don’t hesitate to reach out (or pass the link onto a family who could use it!).

You, too, can experience this type of transformation--from “Where do we start?” to tremendous college confidence--in just 20 months.


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