College Planning: Teenagers need a WHY and a WHEN

Ever wonder why sometimes teenagers seem self-motivated, proactive, and willing to put in the work to see the results?

But then sometimes it’s like pulling teeth to get them to stop all their TikToking, sit down, and have one focused college planning session with you?

Well, when it comes to motivation, teenagers need a WHY and a WHEN. (Trust me, it wasn’t that long ago, I was a 17-year old).

Give them a WHY & WHEN and they succeed. Even better, have them come up with their own WHY & WHEN and they excel.

Give them vague statements like “college will help you grow” and “this process will be over sometime soon” and it’s a recipe for procrastination and apathy.


P.S. Congratulations to my standout HS senior, Madison, who was accepted to her dream college this week (Embry-Riddle). Bravo, Madison. Your WHY & WHEN paid off!


Congratulations, Class of 2022!


The #1 Most Important Factor For a Successful College Planning Process