Do you want to help your high schooler truly GROW as a person? Here's how you can…

Do you want to see what true student growth looks like? No fluff, just real students in the real world gaining real confidence leading to real results.

Here you go:

That screenshot is from a former student of ours, Nicole.

We watched over three full years (10th grade to 12th grade) as Nicole grew as a person.

She wasn't just working in our program to "get into college"...she was working through our program to grow as an individual, gain confidence that would last a lifetime, gain habits that would last a lifetime, gain critical thinking skills that would last a lifetime...and as a bi-product, guess what?

A year after she made that post, she used her newfound study habits to secure straight A's senior year...and gain admission into her dream college, Elon University, with a scholarship! She's now a freshman and loving life on campus.

Want to see another?

That screenshot comes from one of our newest members, Mary, after completing the first 90 days with us, where we introduce her to critical skills that will last her a lifetime...including the notion of "Your Story" and "Your Path"...and why that's so important in the eyes of admissions.

Mary is a high school junior.  90 days ago, she and her parents came to us because they didn't have confidence with their college planning road that lay ahead.

Now, just 90 days later, they've all grown as people together (Mom, Dad, and Student). And they actually excited about this process:

There are plenty of "band-aid" last-minute college coaching services out there. They'll review your child's essay for a few hundred dollars, make a couple tweaks, and send you on your way.

That's not us. 

We're foundational.  We're long-term.

We help students gain confidence and skills that will last a lifetime....and yes, as a bi-product they're 8x more likely to get into their dream colleges. (Not a bad bi-product!)

And we like it that way.

To your college planning success,
Jack Delehey

P.S. - If you, like us, enjoy helping your student gain long-term, strong, confident, foundational skills, you can learn more about our All-Inclusive, 4-Year, Start-To-Finish College Confidence Program here. NOTE: We are very particular about the families we offer introductory calls to and require 3.7 GPAs, minimum, to apply.  We review each application personally and offer calls only to those we think could be an ideal fit to join.  If you do apply, please take the application seriously.

P.P.S - If "free" is more your thing, we've still got you covered on the "I want to help my high schooler front". You can apply to join our 100% Free College Confidence Community.  It's got our team's top 7 lessons to help your child launch their foundational approach to college planning confidence. And it's 100% free.


What is your family's "mean" when it comes to college planning?


Here are our favorite, 100% free, college planning resources