First in the Family to Go through this College Planning Journey? Ethan's Story Can Help You

Ethan is a current freshman, loving life at his dream school, Boston College.

Just 2 years he and his father reached out because he was:

"Stressed, overwhelmed...and have no plan moving forward" when it came to his college search & application process.

The reason?

He was the first in his family to go through this new-era college planning journey.  Most parents who applied to schools 20, 30 years ago applied to just a handful of schools.  "It just wasn't a big deal when I applied!" is a common phrase we hear from parents.  And Ethan's parents were in this same boat, uncertain of how to best help their son.

Interested to see how Ethan went from "Stressed, overwhelmed, and no plan"...

to dream school acceptance where he is now thriving?...

We'll let him tell you his story in this three minute video!


Click here to see Ethan' highlight his college planning journey...from 'stressed and overwhelmed' to Boston College Class of 2027

To your college planning success,

Jack Delehey

P.S. - You'll notice in the brief video Jack mentions he joined at the end of his 11th grade year.  That's true! And yet, it's highly discouraged to start that late.  Jack was an anomaly.  In fact, all of our programs are set up with a fee structure to actually incentivize joining early (as early as 9th grade!). More coaching for the same price. Here's the data to back why starting college prep as early as 9th grade drastically helps your high schooler.


Find the Overlap! The Two Methods We Teach to Build The Perfect School List


The Foundation of College Admissions Success