From stress & confusion…to UChicago Class of 2026!

When Bianca and her mother, Ruth, reached out to me 15 months ago, Bianca’s older brother had just been rejected from his top school choices. They were stressed out and didn’t have a plan…and didn’t want to see Bianca end up in a similar position a year later. In fact, here’s Ruth’s exact application when she first reached out:

As you can imagine, neither were in the best mindstate when it came to college admissions. And that’s totally understandable!

15 months later (and after joining the DCC Program), I have some exciting news to share:

Bianca is officially the newest member of the University of Chicago Class of 2026!

I am tremendously proud of Bianca. What really strikes me about her story was her consistency! In fact, I pulled just a few of her progress reports to show just how consistent she was over the last 15 months:

Section 1 Check In: January 2021

Section 3 Check In: February 2021

Section 5 Check In: September 2021

…And today, Bianca officially let me know she committed to the #6 ranked University in the country, UChicago!

I may have provided the framework, the structure, and the motivation…but Bianca put in the work! And because of it, will now have 4 years at her dream school.

Do you have a child who, like Bianca, would be willing to put in the work…if only they knew what work to do? If only you had a step-by-step plan to guide him or her for the remaining years of high school so they could experience the best possible college search & application experience?

If so, let’s talk. We may be a fit to work together. Or maybe not. But if Ruth hadn’t reached out 15 months ago, who knows where Bianca would be right now? Don’t hesitate to

book a free 45-minute college planning strategy session with me, Jack Delehey, and we can talk about it.

Congratulations to Bianca. Your college coach is proud!


P.S. - If you are a current family of mine, would you do me a huge favor? Hop into the DCC Member-Only Skool Group and write Bianca a congratulatory post! I know she’d appreciate it.


Teacher recs: juniors, don’t wait, ask now!


Juniors, why you should take the SAT & ACT the first time without studying…seriously