From Stressed to 'Complete Confidence' in 90 Days

Meet the Ulmer Family.

This case study originally highlighted in June 2023

About two years ago, Emilie (far left) reached out to us to help her son (middle right) with college admissions. Like most families during our intro call, they were stressed, confused, and overwhelmed by the whole ordeal—they didn’t even know where to start.

If they approached us today, we would’ve first referred them to our free College Confidence Community, a community dedicated to helping families connect and ask questions about the process. Included in the community are several videos from various sections of our actual College Confidence Roadmap. Make sure to check them out.

But since our community wasn’t a thing then, they started right in on our aforementioned College Confidence Roadmap.

Given that like most families they were stressed and confused, we think it would be beneficial to break down how joining the program helped them, so let’s do just that.

Who: Emilie and her son, Zach
Problem: Stressed about where to start in admissions
Solution: Join the College Confidence Program

Did it work? Well, let’s look at Zach’s transition from our Pre Check-in section to the present day to see.

After the Pre Check-In, before beginning the program, Zach still held some of the same stress he joined the program with. But then, after only completing 1 section, things started to look up. Finally, most recently, he completed section 5 with loads of confidence:

Let’s go! That feeling is incredible. We are so proud of all the work Zach has put in, and so so excited for what lies ahead. He didn’t even have to make it all the way through our sections (9 in total) to know that he is in complete control of his journey and heading off to a great school!

Congrats again, Zach!

To your college planning success,
Jack Delehey

P.S. - Do you have a highly motivated high schooler (min. 3.7 GPA)? We specialize in changing the lives of these exact types of students. If you'd like, you can learn more here.


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