Help congratulate Molly on not 1, but 2 college acceptances!

Do you remember one of my all-star students, Molly?

I highlighted Molly back in May, as she was working to finalize her school list. I used her school list as an example of the importance of keeping organized when it comes to assessing future schools.

Well, I have a major update for you all.

Molly was recently accepted to not 1 but 2 colleges! She applied early to both...and was accepted to both! Congratulations, Molly, on acceptances at Metro State in Denver as well as The Savannah School of Art and Design (GA).

Molly kicks off the round of early-window acceptances for my students here in 2021. And, while the acceptances are incredibly impressive, what I find even more impressive is to think back and assess her complete college confidence transformation in just 9 total months. Take a look at her parents’ initial survey on February 7, 2021:

“We need guidance and a step-by-step process.”

If you had asked Molly and her parents back in February what their “College Confidence Score” was, my guess is it wasn’t too high.

Now? With two college acceptances before Thanksgiving (and, if my predictions are correct...more to come)? I think Molly herself would tell you she is cruising.

Actually, let’s ask her...

And this answer was from September--Now, in November, supplements are it’s my guess that even more of that stress has melted away for her and she has the time and confidence to actually enjoy senior year of high school.

Now that you’ve seen Molly’s transformation, I have one single question for you, based on your interaction with me:

If you are reading this and are a current family in my program: Would you mind doing me a huge favor? I love giving students an extra little confidence boost. Would you mind going into our DCC Community, replying to my post (screenshot below), and congratulating Molly (and Charlie who is tagged in the post as well)? I remember what it’s like to be 17 years old, figuring out the game that we call life...small positive reinforcements go a long way with teenagers. I think she would really appreciate it.

If you are reading this and are not a current family in my program: My doors are always open for you if you’d like to chat. I’ll be up front: I am not a fit for everyone. My program works best with students, like Molly, who truly embrace the process from the start, take ownership in their journey, and feel really, really good about doing so! Regardless, I host complimentary 45 minute college planning strategy sessions with all families who reach out. The goal is to give you (and your high schooler) a personalized roadmap to college planning success...whether we actually end up working together long term or not.

If interested, click here to schedule a time to chat. If not, that’s okay too. Perhaps seeing Molly’s transformation was just the motivation your high schooler needed to kickstart their own college planning process. That’s the goal, at least!

Happy college-searching,



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