Here’s what true student growth looks like

Previously written on 10/21/2021

Do you want to see what true student growth looks like? No fluff, just real students in the real world gaining real confidence leading to real results.

Here you go:

That screenshot is taken from my private DCC Community and was posted just a couple of days ago. Nicole joined the College Confidence Program as a HS junior last month. One month in, she’s experiencing real, tangible changes in her life already.

Want to see another from this week? Jason (HS junior) and Lisa (proud mother) joined the College Confidence Program a few months back. They’ve fully embraced the program, utilized the Personalized College Tracker each of my members receive from me in week 1...and recently sent a screenshot of theirs along to me. All I can say is WOW, that thing is organized (they gave me permission to share with you all today):

Prior to joining my program, I ask all students and parents to provide me with their College Confidence Score (learn more about this exact score definition, how you can assess your own, in the first 40 seconds of my introductory video here).

Nicole’s was a 2/10. Two out of ten.

Jason’s was a 5/10.

I have to imagine, given the screenshots above, their scores have increased.

And here’s the real kicker: we’re only just getting started. They’ve got 2 more years working with me in my program.

What’s your college confidence score? If it’s anything below a 10/10, don’t hesitate to reach out and book a complimentary college planning strategy session for you and your child. We’ll chat for 30-45 minutes and I’ll give you an immediate game plan free of charge so, whatever your score is, you know how to increase it TODAY, just like Nicole & Jason have.

Happy college planning,


Committed to helping students & parents experience a stress-free college search


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