How to Find the Right College for You

This blog was originally published on April 26, 2023

Meet Kassidy

At the beginning of last year, Kassidy’s mom, Lisa, expressed interest in their family joining The College Confidence Program. Although typically students join our program before junior year spring, the way Lisa described Kassidy made me think she was an instant fit for our program, especially since Vanderbilt was on her list (my alma mater).

So I set up a call with the family and was immediately blown away by Kassidy’s positive, go-getter attitude and the family's support. About a week later, Kassidy joined the program and instantly started killing it.

But nonetheless, the college process is daunting, and Kassidy had her concerns, like all kids going through the process do.

Matter of fact, here’s what Kassidy said after completing the pre-check-in module I have our students start with:

A lot of students have similar worries. They are nervous about whether the school they end up at will be the right fit for them, so let’s break down Kassidy’s story and see how it ended up for her.


Who: Kassidy

Problem: Finding the right college fit

Solution: Join The College Confidence Program


Result: Here comes the good news we’ve been waiting for: Kassidy is going to Northeastern!! (roughly 6.5% acceptance rate)

Huge congratulations to Kassidy and her entire family. Northeastern is an incredible school.

But you might still be wondering, was that the right fit for her?

Well, see for yourself. The other day she sent me this email:

All of us at the team are also SUPER excited for you, Kassidy. Let’s go!!!

Like Kassidy, are you searching for a school that’s a right fit for you? If so, schedule a free 45-minute call with me to discuss how to build a proper, personalized school list for you.  Or, if you have other major college planning hurdles at this time, we’ll discuss those on the call as well. If that goes well and you’re interested in joining the full College Confidence Program, we’ll talk about next steps and I’ll ask some important questions to really determine if you’d be a fit. We don’t accept every student who applies–and that’s purposeful–it’s super important to ensure accountability, motivation and effort are aligned.  When they are, results like Kassidy’s are possible!

Otherwise, for more free resources, join our College Confidence Community filled with parents like you who can talk to each other and ask questions.

Congrats again to Kassidy. You’re going to crush it at Northeastern!

(P.S. We send shirts to all of our graduating seniors, so if you're kid finishes the program and decides on a college they'll get a gift to celebrate their success.)

Here's Kassidy's response to her shirt:

Wishing everyone the best,
Jack Delehey


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 How to Build a Personalized School List