How to find your 'diamond in the rough' school for your high schooler

Meet the Smith family.

At the end of last year, Megan (left middle) reached out to the team to help her daughter, Gracie (far right), navigate the confusing admissions landscape. As a family they had two main worries: missing a "diamond in the rough" college and going through the process without structure.  These are two of the most common worries we hear time and time again from families!

Let's break down the Smith's situation:

Who? Megan & her high schooler, Gracie
A lack of structure for their upcoming college planning process
Making one, single, life-changing decision: Choosing to go "all-in" and join
The All-Inclusive, Start-To-Finish, Admissions & Scholarship Guarantee-Backed College Confidence Program
Did it work? Well, to find out, let’s check in on Megan a year and a half after they joined the program...and heard back from her dream colleges...

most high school seniors experience the problem of having too few college options to choose from because they didn't know how the rules of the college admissions game are played...they didn't know the few leverage points to press to drastically increase their admissions chances.

And then there are the Megan & Gracie's of the world.  Sitting back and they have a new problem to deal with... the 'problem' of having 'too many options to choose from' come senior year.

Sadly, most high schoolers and parents fall into bucket #1 these days.  Don't let that be you!

If you're interested in learning more about our All-Inclusive, Start-To-Finish, Admissions & Scholarship Guarantee-Backed College Confidence Program...I'll be up front: it is not a fit for most familiesThe program is rigorous, detail oriented...and that's why it's been life changing for Gracie, Megan...and hundreds of other families over the last 13+ years. If your high schooler has a 3.7 GPA or higher, you can learn more about the program here.

And if not, we strongly encourage you
apply to join our 100% Free College Confidence Community, full of free tips (including step by step directions & online tools showing you exactly how to find that diamond in the rough school for your high schooler!) and info to help most families who don't qualify for our All-Inclusive College Confidence Program.

Regardless of what category you fall into, we've got you covered.

To your college planning success,
Jack Delehey


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