How to get into Harvard...backed by data

It's not every day a student shows up on your introductory call and says...

"I want to go to Harvard"...

But Leo did...

And we loved it.

You see those are the types of students who thrive with us.

The ones who are go-getters.

The ones who aren't afraid to reach for the stars.

The ones who aren't afraid to actually put in the work after we've provided the guidance, the structure, and the roadmap.


I think the end result speaks for itself:

After working diligently with us throughout his high school years...

Leo accomplished his goal...HARVARD!

But here's the crazy thing...

Leo's not alone.

In fact, he's far from alone.

Every year for the last 14 graduating classes, we've sent students to the top schools in the country.  Every. Single. Year.

Click here to see more about Leo...and hear from students now attending the likes of: Harvard, UPenn, Dartmouth, Cornell, Duke, Vanderbilt, UChicago, Georgetown, Notre Dame, NYU, and many, many more.

College planning isn't rocket science.

But it IS a science.

And we've got the science figured out...which means our students do, too.

To your college planning success.
Jack Delehey

P.S. - Do you have a highly motivated high schooler (min. 3.7 GPA)? We specialize in changing the lives of these exact types of students. If you'd like, you can learn more here.


From Stressed to 'Complete Confidence' in 90 Days


Summer's Coming Up... Here's How to Spend it