I met up with Larry Cheung in person over break! (& live webinar upcoming)

I met up with the legendary Larry Cheung (Founder, Tigerway Prep) in person, in Boston, over the holidays.

Yep, here we are:

The college planning grind never stops.

We talked about life, had some great food...and yes, talked a lot about the future state of college admissions, trends we're seeing in the industry...and what changes we expect on the horizon in the coming years.

I like to surround myself with college planning experts who have the same mindset as me - if you're not growing, you're falling behind.

Larry is one of those people.  He helps me improve as a college coach. He motivates me to consistently improve our world-renowned curriculum to be ahead of the trend, ensuring our students are truly in the best possible position to stand out in a sea of deserving applicants.

Stay tuned! Details regarding our first live-webinar of 2024 coming soon.  It should be a good one.

Do you have a question you'd like me to ask Larry, standardized testing expert, on our upcoming webinar together? If so, reply here with your question. I'll then take my favorites and ask them to Larry, live on the webinar!

To your college planning success,
Jack Delehey
Founder, CollegeConsulting.us

P.S. - Have a high-performing high schooler w/ a 3.7 GPA or higher? We specialize in changing the lives of students just like this, giving them the right structure, mentorship, and accountability to excel in high school...and ultimately gain admission into the college of their dreams. 
We do it year after year after year.  It's not rocket science.  But it is a science.


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