I’m Going to Dartmouth - Current Senior, Jack Beecher

The other day, accompanied by the above graphic, I sent out a blog addressing my college decision. I was at a standstill between Vanderbilt and Dartmouth, and even after using most of the CC.us resources was still at that standstill.

So I called on a decision-making tip I heard a while back and wrote down the real reasons I wanted to attend college—not just why I wanted to attend either Dartmouth or Vanderbilt but my reasons to go to college in the first place.

For those of you curious, here’s a snippet of what I wrote:

“Why am I going to college? To break my rhythm, be exposed to new people, learn from some incredibly smart people, and be exposed to job/post-graduate opportunities. My main goal is to go to a place I can excel academically with freedom to pursue the fields I want.”

After writing all that out and some more, it clicked: Dartmouth. I immediately scheduled a call with Jack Delehey to share my mindset and future decision, and he wholeheartedly agreed it was the right call. Even with his allegiance to Vanderbilt, he told me that based on the reasoning I laid out for him, Dartmouth was the home for me, and I should be confident in my decision.

It’s that warmth that makes me enjoy being a part of this community so much. The emphasis is on you. You get to control your own journey, but when you need some advice to fall back on, the program is always there for you. This last year-ish of being in the program and applying to schools, although stressful, was super rewarding, and I wish the same for all of the families out there still tackling the process.

Huge thanks to the CC.us team and good luck to all!

-Jack Beecher


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