Instant College Admissions Relief

Meet the Hesseltines

Over a year ago, Leianne reached out to me to help her daughter, Ellia, with college admissions. Similar to most families who schedule a call with me, they were worried about how to even get started with the process.

If a family approaches me today with the same worry, I first direct them to our College Confidence Community. In that community, there are families all looking to support each other and several videos from various sections of our actual College Confidence Roadmap meant to make college admissions easy. Make sure to check it out.

But since our community wasn’t a thing then, I got them started right away and recommended that they join our College Confidence Program.

Given that most families are in a similar situation upon booking a call, I figured I’d break down the Heseltine's situation to showcase how much relief college admissions assistance can provide.


Who: Leianne, and her daughter, Ellia

Problem: Worried about the lack of clarity in college admissions

Solution: Join the College Confidence Program


Did it work? Well, let’s look at what Leianne had to say right after signing up for our program:

Before Ellia even went through a section in our roadmap, her mom was already relieved. It’s powerful to know someone is on your side providing support the whole way, and that’s what we provide all our families. Let’s see if that relief was justified by looking through Ellia’s journey this past year.

First, just like her mom, before completing a single section, Ellia was feeling the same relief… relief that turned into confidence:

Then, after her first section, Ellia kept it short and sweet and echoed her previous confidence:

Finally, after her most recent section, that confidence turned back into relief as she had this to say:

Let’s go! All your hard work paid off! As Ellia showed, when students in our program put in the work, they thrive. We are, of course, there to guide them every step of the way, but in the end, it’s on them to lead their own journey. That makes it so much more satisfying, and confidence-boosting, for them when it all works out.

So how does this story end up? Ellia will be attending her dream school, UConn, in the fall! We’re tremendously proud of you, Ellia!

Are you interested in gaining the same college admissions relief and confidence? If so, after checking out the free College Confidence Community, schedule a free 45-minute call with me so we can hash out your admissions hurdles. If the call goes well, and you seem like a fit for the program, we can discuss that possibility too.

Good luck in your future, Ellia!



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