Interview with Dartmouth Class of 2027 Student, Jack Beecher

Jack Delehey here.

Today is a bittersweet day.  We say goodbye to Jack Beecher as he heads off to Dartmouth college.

Jack offered tremendous value to this program, not just from his own insights, but from the summation of his impressive summer project, "The Ivy Roadmap."

The purpose of The Ivy Roadmap was simple - Jack spent his summer months interviewing not one, not two, but FOUR students who gained acceptance into elite, single-digit-acceptance schools (Brown, Brown, Harvard, Stanford).  He poured over their actual, real applications to spot trends and consistencies.  He asked detailed, nuanced questions to get to the bottom of one question:

In a sea of exceptional students, how did YOU gain acceptance? And how can I take these insights back so future students can gain acceptance as well?"

This, combined with painstaking research and his own acceptance story (Dartmouth) served as the backbone to his project.

Then he went to work!

Today serves as the culmination of this lengthy project - interview 5/5.  If you'd like to watch the first four interviews, you can do so in the
free College Confidence Community or on my YouTube channel.  Additionally, the first two lessons of the Ivy Roadmap are available entirely for free in the College Confidence Community as well.

Selfishly, I must say, this final "Ivy Roadmap" interview was my favorite!

Watch: Ivy Roadmap Interview 5/5 - with 2027 Dartmouth Admit, Jack Beecher
Time: 56:25
For: All families looking for college admissions success



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