Interviews with Ivy Bound Seniors Coming Soon

In case you missed it a couple of weeks ago, we sent out a big announcement: our content is now available on Spotify. All the weekly youtube videos can now be consumed while driving, walking, exercising, or however else you'd like to listen. For those of you who did miss it, however, our Spotify is linked here. (Make sure to follow so you’re notified when new podcasts are released.)

More exciting than just podcasts though, is that after making that announcement, Jack Delehey more specifically hinted that interviews with Ivy League bound students would be coming soon. We're now excited to announce that those interviews are well underway, and I’ve been collecting tips and tricks from friends and peers who are also headed off to Ivy and Ivy-level schools to help your family.

When those interviews are finalized, we will of course send out another announcement with that information. But for now, we’re looking for more Ivy League level students to interview. Specifically, those who got into the top 5 colleges (Stanford, Harvard, Yale, Princeton, MIT) this year. We know that the advice and information those students could provide would be invaluable to families in and around our program, so that’s why we're offering $125 for 30-45 minutes of their time and a copy of their Common App PDF to talk through during the interview.

I am having a blast conducting these interviews, and surprisingly, or perhaps unsurprisingly, I'm learning so much that I wish I knew when I was going through the process myself. When I’m finished with the interviews I’ll conduct, I’ll be interviewed by Jack Delehey to extract and be able to post even more useful information about college admissions to help your family.

Again, if these interviews sound like they would be valuable to your family, make sure to follow us on Spotify here so you’re notified when we post. And if you know of anyone who got into a top-level school this year and would be interested in doing an interview, have them email me at

Thanks so much,

Jack Beecher


How to “Not be stressed at all” About Admissions…Seriously! (Real, Live, Example!)


What Actually Happens in our Program – A Real 1:1 Call, Coach & Student