Knowledge is Power - EA/ED --> RD

It’s crunch time for my seniors! As each of them finalizes their early window applications this week, I wanted to let parents know why the early window of applications (Early Decision - previously discussed, but also Early Action) are tremendously beneficial.

If your high schooler can be on top of things and have their applications finalized already, strongly encourage them to submit early!

Summary of benefits:

  • Knowledge is power - Knowing your application decision can drastically reduce the # of RD apps you have to submit

  • Early apps help you maximize your merit scholarship options

In the back half of the video, I then discuss transitioning from Early Applications (due Nov. 1) to Regular applications (due Jan. 1) and how to smartly play that game (Hint: you’ll have an important risk/reward decision to make!)

Time: 9 minutes, 0 seconds

For: Parents of HS Seniors, Juniors, Sophomores, Freshmen


P.S. - If you want to chat directly with me, Jack Delehey, you can book here. My goal is to provide structure, direction, and organization to families with high schoolers who need support! I offer 100% free 45 minute college planning strategy sessions for any family who reaches out (No 12th graders at this time, only 11th, 10th, 9th)


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