Meet Erik Mitchell, Sophomore at the University of Denver

Meet Erik Mitchell, a sophomore at the University of Denver.

This case study originally highlighted in January 2021

Erik is currently loving life out in the great state of Colorado, thriving at the University of Denver, and couldn’t be happier with his college choice.

Just a few years ago, the scene was slightly different…

Erik was a high school junior with no concrete plan to even begin the college search process.  He was certainly motivated and hungry to succeed...but just didn’t know what steps to take at what times to make it all happen!

He and his parents reached out to see what the College Consulting program could do to help.

Let’s break it down:

Who? Erik Mitchell
Problem: High motivation with no plan or action steps = a highly motivated, yet stagnant student.  Erik was unable to get the college search going because of a lack of clear plan...not because of a lack of effort or motivation.
Solution: Join The 4-Year, All-Inclusive, Start-to-Finish College Confidence Program

Did it work? Yep. It seems Erik has truly hit his stride...and now business school is on the horizon!

Erik recently shared his thoughts with the College Confidence Community --

To your college planning success,
Jack Delehey

P.S. - Do you have a highly motivated high schooler (min. 3.7 GPA)? We specialize in changing the lives of these exact types of students. If you'd like, you can learn more here.


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