Parting Advice from Jack Beecher Part 1

Jack Beecher here

In two weeks, I will be starting a new journey over 1000 miles from home at Dartmouth College in New Hampshire, which means, in two weeks, I will no longer be writing these blogs—let alone worrying much about college admissions for that matter.

So I figured to commemorate my over two-year journey of going through the process myself and then writing about it, I would have my final two blogs cover all the tips and advice I can think of for the next couple of years of applicants. Don’t worry. I’ll try to keep it short.

Most Things in College Admissions Don’t Matter

Outside of essays, activities, grades, and test scores, not much matters. Try not to overthink/overcomplicate things that don’t fall into those categories.

Being a Focused Student is better than being a Scattered Student

If you’re interested in what that means, read my past blog here.

Advice can only take you so far

At the end of the day, all this advice doesn’t matter unless you actually take action and use it. Focus less on searching for advice and more on doing it your own way. This will help you be unique in college admissions.

School “Prestige” Is a Myth

Yes, some schools are far better than others. But just because that’s true, it doesn’t mean that the more “prestigious” school is better for you. College fit is more important than college prestige. If you’re a good student, you will thrive wherever you go.

Don’t fret over minor mistakes

My school counselor literally submitted the mid-year transcript of another kid for me… and I didn’t find out until two weeks before decisions came out. Turns out it barely mattered though; I still got into great schools. Don’t worry so much about a missed comma or an even greater mistake like what happened to me. It happens all the time.

College Admissions Isn’t That Hard

Everyone wants you to think that it is, but at the end of the day, if you approach it with a system and the right mindset, you will breeze through it and look back on your college admissions times as some of the most fun of your life. (okay, maybe that’s just me)

As always, if you’re interested in taking your college planning strategy to the next level, join the free College Confidence Community or schedule a free call with Jack Delehey to discuss how to make college admissions easy.

See you next week for my final blog!

-Jack Beecher


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