Senior Celebration: From ‘overwhelmed’’ to dream college acceptance in 1 year

I truly enjoy helping high schoolers become the best version of themselves possible. And student success emails like this, which I received this week:

…make it all worthwhile.

Congratulations to Alex on admission into his dream college, The Citadel.

And to think, just ~1 year ago, when Alex joined the College Confidence Community, he came in stating he was ‘overwhelmed’ and ‘unsure where to begin’ with his college planning journey.

Congratulations to Alex on an incredible transformation. College planning confidence is possible for everyone–Alex is living proof!


P.S. - If you want to chat directly with me, Jack Delehey, you can book a free college planning strategy session with me here. Bring your high schooler along on the call. My goal in life is to provide structure, direction, and organization to any family in need!


One of my students just received $88k in merit scholarships; How scholarships work!


Cornell: 31% to 8% Acceptance, How to Still Get In