Student embraces teacher rec advice, here’s the result

About a month ago I wrote to you and presented a radical idea:

If you have a HS junior, they should lock in their teachers’ letters of recommendation now. Yes, now, in the winter of their junior year.

If you want a refresher on why that’s important, here’s my article on it again. I won’t go into that here.

What I will go into here is something I’ve preached for awhile: my coaching style is no-fluff, no-bs. I’m an open book.

So I want you to know that when I give advice in my newsletter, I’m giving the exact same advice to my current students and parents. The only difference is they’re getting a lot more of that advice, a lot more consistently, and with a personalized approach, tailored for every student.

A month ago when I said “HS juniors, ask your teachers for letters of recommendation now” my students listened. I feel tremendously fortunate, in that sense. A coach is only as good as his students. And I’ve got some exceptional ones.

One of my exceptional students is Behram (Chicago, HS Junior). You may remember Behram from several months ago when he joined the program. Here he is, pictured with his father:

Behram took my teacher recommendation insight to heart last month, as a high school junior, well before this notion crossed the minds of any of his peers. I’m an open book here so I want you to see his thoughts immediately after he utilized this coaching tip:

Yes, Behram! Way to go! (And, as an aside, I bet Behram was able to lock in the two best possible teachers he could for his teacher recs).

It’s my true belief that every high schooler in the country should be able to feel “ahead of the game” and “actually moving forward” when it comes to college planning…instead of the far more common “overwhelmed” and “I don’t even know where to start” that I see. Anyone, truly anyone, can feel like Behram does today with:

  • A carefully crafted plan

  • A small amount of guidance

  • Treating the process with a fun, enjoyable, one-step-at-a-time approach (like it should be tackled) and not an overwhelming, daunting, how-will-i-ever-get-this-done mindset.

If you think your child could benefit from a little more Behram-like confidence when it comes to college planning, feel free to reach out. Chatting with me is entirely free.

And if not, that’s okay too. I hope this sparked some motivation in you (and your high schooler) to start tackling your college planning now!

You can do this!



Michigan, Georgia Tech, UT-Austin, & Tulane!


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