The First Ivy League Interview is Live

Jack Beecher here

Exciting news! Remember a while back when I referenced the forthcoming interviews with Ivy-League bound students? Well, guess what? I just finished them and am so excited to share them with you.

For those of you who are curious, the colleges of students we are interviewing are: Brown, Brown, Harvard, Stanford, and Dartmouth (me).

On top of that, I’m thrilled to announce that I’m planning on using these interviews and what I’ve learned from top-tier students to make a whole new section of the token College Confidence Roadmap dedicated exclusively to helping students get into the Ivy League and comparable schools.

But back to the interviews. The first one I did was with a friend of mine named Sai Sai Men. Sai Sai is a standout student going to Brown, and also someone I constantly discussed college admissions with, so this one’s special.

We talk about his activities, grades, test scores, honors, essays, and all things that helped him get into his dream school, Brown. Additionally, we discussed tips that YOU can use to achieve similar results.

As of a couple days ago, the interview is now live on Youtube, so check it out here:

In case you haven’t already clicked on the video, here are a couple more details about the interview.

  1. In the description, there are time stamps for each section of what we discuss. Go to the ones you need!

  2. It’s also available on Spotify (here)

  3. There are images of his actual application that got him into Brown

Speaking of his actual application, in the section of the roadmap I’ll produce, we’ll dive deep into Sai Sai’s (and the other Ivy-Bound student’s) Common Applications–their real, filled out, exact applications– to illustrate a clear strategy for success. At the end, those applications will be available to all students to look through and discuss with me.

If you’re as excited for all of this content as I am, make sure to subscribe to our Youtube, so you’ll see the interviews when they come out.

As always, if you’re interested in learning more about admissions or overcoming your specific hurdles, schedule a free 45-minute call with Jack Delehey and join the free College Confidence Community. There’s a lot of cool stuff happening in our community, and we want you to be a part of it!




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