The Low Hanging Fruit In College Planning (Anyone can do this today)

When it comes to college planning, some things are hard.

They take a lot of time.

They're difficult to plan for.

And then there are other things...that actually are very easy.

You can do them today.

They take minimal effort...and have huge rewards.

The problem? Most families don't know how to separate these two buckets. 

And so they assume everything in college planning is difficult.

And so they get paralyzed with analysis...

And take no action....

But not for you.

Because you're a parent who takes that next level step to help your high schooler succeed!

And because we've made it easy for you: We've separated the "difficult" activities from the "Easy/Low Hanging Fruit" activities just for you.

All you have to do is watch/listen...and then try one or more of these with your high schooler TODAY.

Watch: "The Low Hanging Fruit In College Planning (Anyone can do this today)"

To your college planning success,
Jack Delehey


How we teach our students to narrow a college list


From “Where do we begin?!” to Northeastern Class of ‘28