The Single Most Important Skill in College Admissions is This...

Jack Beecher here.

Give me a place to stand and a lever long enough, and I will move the world - Archimedes

Luckily, our goal at isn’t to move the world. Rather, we just want your family to achieve college admissions success, and this quote hints at how to accomplish that.

Archimedes claims that by using leverage, or the multiplication of force exerted, he can move the entire world if he’s far enough away. He doesn’t have to push harder on the lever than normal, he just needs a proper place to stand.

In college admissions, we seek to offer you that same place to stand. We know that no matter if your family joins the program or not, you’re going to put in the hard work, time, and effort necessary. You’re going to push the college admissions lever with all your might.

Our goal is not to teach you that hard work. Rather, in our program, we will provide your family with the tools and information necessary so that your hard work is multiplied into college admissions success.

Leverage is a multiplier applied to effort

In fact, we’re so confident that we can leverage your hard work that
if your family joins our all-inclusive College Confidence Program and your high schooler does not gain admission into at least one (1) of their tope five dream colleges, we will not only refund you 100% of your program investment…the program founder, Jack Delehey, will personally write your family a $5,000 check, additionally, for wasting your time.  Yes, that’s how confident we are with our world-renowned coaching methods!

However, if you’re not interested in joining the program, that’s alright. I’m going to teach you the highest leverage tool taught throughout our program: FOCUS.

Here are three places in college admissions where focus is highest leverage:


In our program, we believe in the study hard play hard mentality. We don’t want your student studying inside all day to achieve a perfect GPA. Rather, we want them to study in short bursts of time, with extreme focus, so that they have more free time to do the things they want. A simple example of this is we encourage all our students to leave their phones in another room while studying. By doing this for one hour at a time, our students make quicker progress on their homework and perform way better in classes. (Trust me, as an Ivy League student, I see the difference it makes in how long my peers study for when they constantly check their phones.)


The greatest myth of college admissions: your student needs to be well-rounded to achieve success. This means hundreds of volunteer hours, multiple clubs, multiple sports, several interests and awards, and a wide variety of difficult classes. This could not be further from the truth. Instead, colleges seek out a focused student, a student who is a master in their niche field.

For more information on focused vs unfocused students, check out the blog I wrote about this graphic:
How to EASILY Become a Focused Student and Crush College Admissions


With limited word counts, focus is crucial in writing. We teach our students to comb through the fluff and spend each word as if their admission depends on it. This leads to 1) more powerful, concise essays and 2) a better experience for admission readers.

I challenge you to think about where else you can apply focus to in your life or in college admissions. It’s such an important skill, one we touch on in almost every lesson.

Again, at, we hope to provide you tools such as these so that your effort matters. The thing we hate to see is families work incredibly hard on all the wrong things and then question why they didn’t achieve college admissions success. Applying focus is a good first step to counteract this.

If you like this idea of focus and want more tools and a detailed roadmap to leverage your college admissions efforts into success,
check out the program and schedule a call.

Remember: IF YOU JOIN THE PROGRAM AND DON’T ACHIEVE ADMISSION INTO A TOP 5 DREAM SCHOOL, WE WILL FULLY REFUND YOUR INVESTMENT…yes, that’s how confident we are in what we do (and by the way, I’m a living example of this! I currently attend Dartmouth College, my DREAM school, after working diligently through the College Confidence Program with my family throughout my high school years. It really worked!)

Wishing you all the best in college admissions,
Jack Beecher

P.S. - Have a high-performing high schooler w/ a 3.7 GPA or higher? We'll help get them into at least one of their top 5 dream colleges...and if we don't get them into at least one of their top 5 dream colleges, you don't pay us a penny.  Seriously!  You can learn more about our world renowned all-inclusive, start-to-finish college coaching here and to see if your family qualifies for an introductory call.

P.P.S - Our most common question is "When should we start?!"  The answer is, if you truly care about giving your high schooler the best chance of college planning success, you should start NOW. 9th grade is not too early to start! 10th grade is certainly not too early to start! And 11th grade is far, far too late! (supporting data here to show just how much of an advantage you give your child by starting the process early).


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