We Launched a Podcast

The other week, a parent in the program reached out to me and indicated the need for my advice in podcast form. Sure, all the YouTube videos are great, but she wanted to listen to admissions advice in the background while going through her day-to-day life, whether that be while driving, working, exercising, etc.

So, I got with the team, and we made it our mission to do just that. Over the past couple of weeks, I’ve had Jack Beecher, our newest member, start converting our uploaded Youtube videos to podcasts, and as of last week, he’s done. Now, all the advice I put out in video form can be easily consumed through Spotify.

Here’s the account:

You can find it by simply searching “Jack Delehey Podcast” or by clicking here. We hope that with this new medium, it’s only easier for your family to achieve college admissions success. If you enjoy the podcasts, make sure to follow us as well (right above “All Episodes”) so you can see when we release new podcasts!

As an added bonus, we’ll soon have interviews with current seniors admitted to Ivy League-level colleges posted as well. More on that later.

And if you’re not into podcasts and want to stick to Youtube, that’s great. Just know, if you have any suggestions or things you would like to see from us, like the parent who recommended podcasts did, you're free to email us. We’d be thrilled to provide more resources to cater to your needs.

Enjoy the podcasts,



How to Find the Right College for You


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