What DOES NOT MATTER in college admissions

If I asked you to rattle off all the things you thought mattered in college admissions, you could probably name a fair amount, like:

  • High school grades

  • Test scores

  • Activities / Extracurriculars

  • College essays

etc. etc. etc.

But equally important are the things that don't matter.  

Why? Because time is a finite resource. 

A high schooler only has 24 hours in a day, just like all of us. 

And they should be sleeping for a minimum of 8 of those...

They'll be in high school for another ~8 of those...

Which leaves only 8 daily hours left.

Toss on sports, extracurriculars, homework, dinner with the family...

And you can see why all of a sudden it's critical to know not just what matters in college admissions...

But also what DOES NOT MATTER AND, THEREFORE, SHOULD BE IGNORED...so a high schooler can actually, maybe, enjoy? their high school experience while ALSO making progress towards collegiate goals?!

Gasp, I know.

But it is possible. I promise.  A high schooler CAN have a stress-free, enjoyable, AMAZING high school experience...and also get into the college of their dreams...

But they've got to start eliminating things that don't matter...to make room for the select few that DO.

Watch: What DOES NOT MATTER in college admissions
10 minutes, 10 seconds
Parents of 9th, 10th, and early-11th graders

To your college planning success,
Jack Delehey
Founder, CollegeConsulting.us

P.S. - Have a highly motivated, hard-working high schooler (Grades 9, 10, or early 11th) w/ a 3.7 GPA or higher? We specialize in changing the lives of these types of students in particular, working with them throughout their high school years (9th-12th grade). 9th grade is not too early! You can learn more here.


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