6/6 on acceptances and over $100k in scholarships so far...

Remember Gracie (far right) & Megan (second from left) from last week?

We've got a fresh update...and it's a good one.

To date, Gracie is now 6 for 6 on college acceptances...with hundreds of thousands of dollars in merit aid.

This includes acceptances at her top-choice schools, including: University of Wisconsin (Madison), UGA, and Clemson.  Here's Megan's update, sent to our inbox yesterday:

From Megan (mother of HS Senior, Gracie): "I know you always give the credit right back to Gracie (which we appreciate) but it was because of your guidance that we were able to make her hard work in high school shine through in her applications."

My Take: It takes two to tango and Megan is correct - without Gracie's diligence, consistency, and hard work in our All-Inclusive, Start-To-Finish, Admissions & Scholarship Guarantee-Backed College Confidence Program throughout high school...I can confidently say she wouldn't be sitting here today with all of her dream schools begging her to attend next year.  That's the honest truth.  Gracie is a special student (and Megan is a special Mom--one who identified two years ago that her daughter simply needed the right structure, plan, motivation, and encouragement...to truly excel).

Congratulations to Gracie and Megan, who are waking up on this Tuesday morning knowing they have a PLETHORA of elite college options for next year...all because they a) discovered a college plan and b) followed through on it, consistently.

To your college planning success,
Jack Delehey
Founder, CollegeConsulting.us


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