8 Books We Recommend to All Our HS Students (And Parents!)

The other day, a podcast titled "The Joys of the Reading Life" from one of my favorite creators, Cal Newport, popped up, and it fascinated me.

He covered topics like why books increase cognitive skills and how reading can lead to a more fulfilling life, and it made me think: how much of my life has been influenced by the books I've read?

Unsurprising to me, the answer to that question is a lot - Study habits I relied on throughout college, wisdom that has defined my purpose, and even the basis of our team's robust, all-inclusive 4-Year College Confidence Program are all pieces of knowledge I've accumulated from various books over the years.

And now, I'm looking to share that knowledge with you.

Are you interested in reading more but don't know what books to read or where to start?

In this video I break it down into three simple categories:

  • Books to help students stand out in high school

  • Books to help parents understand the college admissions process

  • Books for both students and parents that I personally have found impactful

Check the video out here:

Watch: Our Team's 8 Favorite Books All High Schoolers (And Their Parents!) Should Read

Time: 22:07
For: Everyone - High schoolers, parents of high schoolers, grand parents of high schoolers, siblings of high schoolers...anyone & everyone!

To your college planning success,
Jack Delehey
Founder, CollegeConsulting.us


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