Introducing Myself, Melina

Hi, I am Melina Kazanas, the newest member of the Team! This May, I graduated from Vanderbilt University’s Honors Program with a double major in Economics and European Studies.

I did not originally use a college consultant to guide me through my admissions process, but instead relied on the support of my high school’s college admissions team. My process did not go as well as I hoped. I was denied admission to my ED school, had created an unrealistic college list, wrote my personal statement about a proposal, and had no personal brand. I was a hard-working student, dedicated to my academic success and pursuing things that interested me, but my lack of a cohesive identity coupled with poor advising left me feeling defeated by the end of my senior spring. When I found out I was waitlisted at Vanderbilt University I KNEW I had to do whatever it would take to gain acceptance. That’s where Jack comes in.  

I first found Jack Delehey in a panicked online search for waitlist admission guidance. Although my mom and I were hesitant at first, we left our introduction call with Jack feeling prioritized, understood, and optimistic. Beyond all else, my experience with Jack instilled in me the confidence to take many steps (some crazy at times) which ultimately led to my acceptance.

But my (and my family’s) experience with Jack did not culminate with simply my admission to Vanderbilt. I was lucky enough to stay in touch with Jack throughout my four years of undergrad - doing interviews for his blog, meeting him on campus (see the picture below!), helping his other students with their decisions, and now working alongside him as we grow the community! Similarly, the team has already helped one of my sisters in her college admissions process and is currently guiding another!

I know how stressful this time can be for both students and parents alike, but also now understand just how incredible and beautiful a process it is. With guidance from the team, I hope you or your child ends up like me - in extreme gratitude of the journey that led me to the most incredible school, where I gained invaluable relationships and experiences (like riding camels with my best friends in Morocco during study abroad)! In my role as Director of Email Marketing at, I will share my perspective and advice as both a previous student and recent college graduate, offering you or your child unique guidance and insights during this period. I hope that my nearly daily emails inspire you or your child to take agency during this process and reach your/your child's full potential!

While at, I will be continuing my studies as an M.A. candidate at Georgetown University's Walsh School of Foreign Service. At Georgetown, I am interested in continuing my exploration of the intersectionality of literature and migration through the Central Mediterranean Route. Outside of my studies, I enjoy spending my time reading, doing pilates, hiking, and playing pickleball.

If anyone has any questions regarding me, my role, or my experience with the college admissions process don’t hesitate to reach out. I’m looking forward to contributing to the community and assisting in the best way I can!

Melina Kazanas

P.S. - If you want to hear more about my story, you can read it


8 Books We Recommend to All Our HS Students (And Parents!)


A College Planning Case Study: From ‘Uncertain’ to ‘Supported, Encouraged, Accomplished’ in 7 Days