Families Return to our Program Often – Here’s Why

Most concerns and questions families have when considering whether or not to join the College Confidence Program boil down to these two categories: Will it help my child find the right college for them? And is it worth it?

The other day, I received an email from a past parent of the program, which always puts a smile on my face.

So let’s break this email down figure out the answer to those two questions:

First off, congratulations to Connor, a past student of mine, on completing his first year at Pepperdine. As his mom notes, it’s perfect for him, which speaks to the goal we set for all our students to find their own perfect fit.  

In fact, here’s a snippet from our exact meeting a little over a year ago going over his beautifully-organized Decision Matrix to ultimately come up with his Pepperdine Choice!

I hope this email also showcases that we don’t send kids to college and completely forget about them. Their college experience matters to us, and the tips we give in our program not only apply to high school but college and beyond.

So concern #1, check: our program’s focus is to get kids accepted to colleges they will thrive at and love.

Now let’s look at concern #2: Is it worth it? 

This ultimately is a case-by-case basis but given the drastic rise in college tuition, it’s never been more important to choose the right school.  Additionally, our students, on average, receive $32,500 per year in total merit aid, paying for the program many times over.

Here’s actually a direct text from one of our students just this week who used our negotiating lessons to drastically increase her scholarship!  Seriously, here’s a screenshot of TCU “reconsidering” and providing a “new offer”! 

And yes, with this new offer, she committed!

Anyway, back to Connor & family…

After Connor went through the program and found tremendous success, Connor’s mother is interested in the same support for her other son, Tyler. This is not just a case study but a common theme throughout the program. Many of our students are younger siblings of previous students because their parents value the guidance their older siblings received.

In fact, here, here, and here are just three of the many families who return with multiple siblings.

With this said, our College Confidence Program isn’t for everyone! If you’re interested in starting slow, check out the College Confidence Community for parents like you to communicate and ask questions. We’ll answer them!  Or you can also schedule a free call with me to hash out your specific college admission hurdles. Then, if you still want more, we can talk about the possibility of your family joining the program if you seem like a fit.

Congrats to Connor on a great first year at Pepperdine!

Helping your family conquer college admissions,



What Actually Happens in our Program – A Real 1:1 Call, Coach & Student


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