Find the Perfect College for Your Child

Meet the Stanley family.

If you've been subscribed to my newsletter for long enough, you probably recognize them, but if not, let me give you a quick introduction. Both Judd and Jameson (back left and back right) are past students of mine who made it through the entirety of the program, Jameson last year and Judd this year. Jameson currently resides happily at the University of Denver (more on his story here) and Judd just decided where he wants to spend his next four years.

I could not be any prouder of these two boys. It warms my heart to see two great individuals face the daunting process and conquer it.

The other day, to tug at my heartstrings a little more, Dawn, their mother, shared this message:

I figured to commemorate this celebratory event of both kids finding their dream colleges, I would recap their adventures from start to end.

Here's how Jameson felt as he began his journey:

A good start indeed, which eventually led to him sending this email. Admittedly, I shed a tear.

And after that, it was time to focus on Judd's journey, which started with similar stress and ended with similar greatness. As his mom said, both boys found the perfect college for them, and I'm just so proud.

Their journeys reinforce the core belief I built our program around:

-Anyone can have a stress-free college admissions journey with just a little hard work, a proper, up-to-date plan, and motivation to succeed.

Again, I'm so proud of both boys and the Stanley family. They both are set up to do great things in college, and I can't wait!

Here's a picture of me with the two of them:

Like the Stanley family, are you also looking for a stress-free journey that will end in dream school acceptance? Well, our goal at is to allow your family to do just that. We want to take the pressure off your child, so they can actually ENJOY this once-in-a-lifetime college planning process...and of course, ultimately, gain dream school acceptance like both Jameson and Judd have.

If so, don't hesitate to book a free 45-minute call with me to hash out your specific hurdles...or, for an easy first step, join the free College Confidence Community dedicated exclusively to helping parents of high schoolers.

Congrats to the Stanley Family. You all are amazing!

To a stress-free, successful college plan.



How to Know What Size School is Right for You


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