Feeling Good About All Things College Admissions

Meet Zach

Around two years ago, Zach’s mom, Elizabeth, booked a call with me in search of admissions support for their family. Similar to most families who schedule a call with me, they were slightly worried about navigating the confusing process and just wanted what was best for their son.

If a family approaches me today with the same worry, I first direct them to our College Confidence Community. In that community, there are families all looking to support each other and several videos from various sections of our actual College Confidence Roadmap meant to make college admissions easy. Make sure to check it out.

But since our community wasn’t a thing then, I got them started right away and recommended that they join our College Confidence Program.

Since most families can relate to their concerns, I figured I’d break down Zach’s family’s situation to showcase the relief college admissions assistance can provide.


Who: Elizabeth, and her son, Zach

Goal: College Admissions Success

Solution: Join the CC.us College Confidence Program


Did it work? Well, let’s look at what Elizabeth had to say right after signing up for our program:

Just like that, hardly even a week after joining the program, Elizabeth went from slightly stressed to excited about college admissions.

Let’s see if Zach felt the same. Here’s what he said after completing Section 1 of the Roadmap:

Love it, but does that confidence continue? Here’s what Zach said after Section 3:

And finally, here’s what he said after Section 5:

Zach’s good feeling about all things college admissions is exactly what we guide all of our students to achieve. We believe that with proper help any student can share the feelings of Zach, confident and excited.

And look at where that confidence and excitement led him: debt free college at The University of Alabama. Super impressive. Just look at this email his mom sent me!

Are you interested in, like Zach, feeling good about everything related to college admissions? If so, after checking out the free College Confidence Community, schedule a free 45-minute call with me so we can hash out your admissions hurdles. If the call goes well, and you seem like a fit for the program, we can discuss that possibility too.

Good Work, Zach!



The Data Says Start College Planning Now


Interview with 2027 Brown Admit: Akshat Mehta