From “no clue what I’m doing” to “100x more confident” in 398 days

You’ve met Jameson before, a current senior at Hershey HS in Pennsylvania, and someone I’ve highlighted in this newsletter multiple times.

I even got to meet up with Jameson, his brother, and his mother back in the fall:

When we started working with Jameson, he was an HS junior with no real plan when it came to thinking about college.

That was 398 days ago.

Jameson finished Section 7 in our College Confidence Program, has been accepted to multiple schools and, well, let’s just say he’s made quite the transformation in the last 13 months!

It seems that, if you are a high schooler struggling with college planning at Hershey High School…you go to the college-planning guru himself, Mr. Jameson.  He’ll help you out!

A far cry from Jameson’s position 398 days ago, we'd say!

Let’s break it down:

Who? Jameson (at the time a Senior at Hershey HS in Hershey, PA)
Problem: "No clue what I’m doing"
Solution: Join our
4-Year, Start-to-Finish, All-Inclusive Confidence Program

Did it work? "100x more confident, I started with no clue what I was doing, but now my friends come to me for help."...accepted to multiple schools with more acceptances to come, and plenty of free time to enjoy second semester senior year!

To read more about Jameson's journey, you can do so

Do you, as the parent of a high school student, have only a vague idea of how to help your high schooler when it comes to thinking about college planning? Perhaps your child has "no clue what they’re doing" when it comes to taking the first college planning steps? You hear things like "Early Decision" and "SATs" and "Recommendation Letters"...and it all seems fairly overwhelming?

Good news is your high school child can experience a newfound confidence, motivation, and spring in their step like Jameson did…and perhaps they, too, can turn into the college-planning guru in their high school, the student all other students go to when they need help because…yes…they’re that confident in the process!

To your college planning success,
Jack Delehey

P.S. - Have a high-performing high schooler w/ a 3.7 GPA or higher? We'll help get them into at least one of their top 5 dream colleges...and if we don't get them into at least one of their top 5 dream colleges, you don't pay us a penny.  Seriously.  College admissions isn't rocket science...but it is a science.  And we've cracked the code...year, after year, after year.  You can learn more about our world renowned all-inclusive, start-to-finish college coaching here and to see if your family qualifies for an introductory call.

P.P.S - Our most common question is "When should we start?!"  The answer is, if you truly care about giving your high schooler the best chance of college planning success, you should start NOW. 9th grade is not too early to start! 10th grade is certainly not too early to start! And 11th grade is far, far too late! (supporting data here to show just how much of an advantage you give your child by starting the process early).


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