From Overwhelmed and Stress to Feeling Motivated for College Admissions

When Piper (pictured below) and her mother, Kim, reached out to me in May of 2021, they were overwhelmed by the whole college admissions process.

They knew Piper had what it took—good grades, motivation, and a positive attitude—but they didn't know how to help her show it in the complex world of admissions. In fact, here were Kim’s exact words:

As you can imagine, and probably relate to, they knew their child deserved to get into a good college but couldn't figure out how to display that; they were worried.

But, that month, when they joined the program, everything changed. In the words of Piper:

And prepare we did. Over the past two years, Piper has been killing the process through our program, and we're so proud of her.

If that's what you're looking for, let’s talk. We may be a fit to work together. Or maybe not. But if Piper and her mom hadn’t reached out almost two years ago, who knows how they would've handled the process. Don’t hesitate to book a free 45-minute college planning strategy session with me, Jack Delehey, and we can talk about it.

Making your college admissions process easy and stress-free



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