Recording of Webinar with Larry Cheung

Last Wednesday, I ran an exclusive webinar with Larry Cheung, Founder of Tigerway Prep, and it was amazing. We discussed the future of college planning and test preparation, including the NEW upcoming digital SAT, and we answered some questions from families.

The feedback we received was profound; many families noted how beneficial the insight we shared was. So, although this is highly unusual, we figured we had to share it out with everybody. If your family is going through the college admissions process currently, this video is a must-watch, especially if you're curious about how the landscape and standardized tests are changing in the upcoming years.

(P.S. skip to 42:30 to learn about the Digital SAT and how it will affect your child)

Watch: Exclusive Webinar with Larry Cheung from 02/22/2023

Time: 1 hour, 23 minutes, 40 seconds

For: All Highschoolers and Family

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The Low Hanging Fruit in College Planning


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