From “Where do we begin?!” to Northeastern Class of ‘28

I’d like to introduce you to Haley:

I’m excited to share Haley’s case study with you today for one very particular reason:

It is a perfect representation of why one factor, above all others, plays a critical role in a successful college admissions process:  Giving your high schooler the proper amount of time to go through the college planning journey in an organized, thoughtful, and stress-free manner.

Let’s break it down:

Who: Haley (HS Freshman) and her parents, Scott and Patti

When: Freshman year of high school! (Way back in June of 2021)

Problem: Scott and Patti were on top of things. They knew setting their daughter up with a 4-year college prep plan was important…but they just didn’t know where to find that all-inclusive, high tough 4 year plan, until they found…

Solution: Join the
4-Year, All Inclusive, Start-to-Finish College Confidence Program

Result: 4 years later…having gone through nearly zero internal stress as a family, and feeling like the college process “really wasn’t difficult at all”…Haley was accepted to her dream school, Northeastern. She was elated. So were her parents.

Conclusion: There are two ways to go about college planning:

  1. The way ~99% of families do - ultra high stress, minimal plan…and ultimately leaving their high schooler’s future up to chance. OR

  2. The way ~1% of families do: Minimal stress, minimal anxiety…Just a calm, confident, start-to-finish approach…and ultimately knowing your child has the proper guidance and coaching to gain easy, simple admission into their dream school.

A calm, methodical approach to college planning IS possible! Just ask Haley (and her parents!)

To your college planning success,
Jack Delehey

P.S. - If your child is a highly-motivated high school student with a 3.7 GPA or higher, we currently have a limited number of seats available our elite, all-inclusive, start-to-finish, multi-year Complete College Confidence Program….the exact same program Haley just went through.

Before clicking below, we want to be up front: This program is NOT a fit for most families.
Sadly, we have to reject most applications to join the program, as the last thing we ever want to do is accept a family who will not get life-changing levels of value from it.

The program is ONLY intended for top high school students who want the absolute best college coaching in the country and whose families are willing to pay significantly for such coaching (Note: we do not have any set pricing for our program - everything we do is completely personalized to the individual family. With this said, our pricing is significantly higher than industry average).

If this isn’t for you, no worries! And in fact, we applaud you for determining that before submitting an application. We strongly encourage you stay subscribed here for 100% free resources sent directly to your inbox.

If you think you and your high schooler may be a fit, you can learn more about the all-inclusive, 4-year, start-to-finish College Confidence Program


The Low Hanging Fruit In College Planning (Anyone can do this today)


College planning: The 3 things we recommend HS juniors (and parents) do right now