Here’s What Doesn’t Matter in College Admissions

If I asked you to rattle off all the things you thought mattered in college admissions, you could probably name a ton: grades, test scores, activities, etc etc. But equally important are the things that don’t matter.

With the plethora of admissions advice out there, there are bound to be tons of tips that just aren’t that accurate. And in our program, since efficiency is the key, we’d prefer not to waste our time with such tips.

So in this video, I’m laying down the groundwork for the things that don’t matter, which should come as a relief. The things I’m going to discuss are the things you can stop giving time to, which means more time to enjoy life outside of college admissions.


Watch: What DOES NOT MATTER in College Admissions

Time: 10:09

For: Anyone who wants to spend less time and less stress on college admissions

Hope you enjoy,



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