How to Get Into Harvard & The Ivy League

In our program, we are always looking to evolve our understanding of college admissions. This means constantly scouring the internet for articles, reading books, and talking to experts. In this quest the other day, I stumbled upon a fantastic article from PrepScholar (linked here).

To quickly summarize, this article breaks down the common misconceptions about college admissions and how to best craft your own application to achieve admission into a top university (Ivy League & Equivalent Level).

This article is lengthy - it will likely take 45-60 minutes to read.  But I truly think this is one of the best articles I have ever seen written when it comes to the nuances to gaining admission into schools with single digit acceptance rates.

Don’t have time to read it? No worries - I read the whole thing for you (It took an hour & 45 minutes to do so!) so you can listen while going about your daily life.  Feel free to listen, either via the video below or via our new Spotify podcast - College Launch.

For more than just a quick summary though, check out the video here:

Watch: How to Get Into Harvard & The Ivy League

Time: 1:43:55

For: Families interested in gaining admission to top universities




Developing Multiple Spikes


 Off the Waitlist at Boston College