Off the Waitlist at Boston College

Last week, I sent out a testimonial recapping the journey of Behram, one of our top students. He worked hard and saw it pay off as he was admitted off the waitlist at Boston College. In case you missed that blog, however, here’s the link.

Towards the end of that blog, I referenced even more great news… we had ANOTHER student get off the BC waitlist as well. That student’s name is Ethan. Like what I did for Behram, I think it would be beneficial for you to see Ethan’s complete story and how he leveraged our program to get into one of his dream schools. To tell that story, I’ll use what Ethan had to say after completing each section of our roadmap.

After completing Section 1, Ethan was hard at work constructing his school list:

Through Section 5, he kept that momentum and finalized his common app:

Finally, after the last section, Section 8, he completed his journey through our program with this great news to share:

Although the far more important highlight is that he’s committed to BC, I would like to draw your attention to the top part. That feeling—the feeling of finally being done and knowing where you’re going—is the feeling that drives our entire program. We want to set every kid up with the confidence that they will reach that state, and that they’ll be confident with how everything unfolded.

To commemorate his achievement, Ethan sent me this email:

I might be a little biased, since I went to my dream school because I got off a waitlist, but I love hearing stories like this. It reminds me of the importance of the tips we give for getting admitted from waitlists. Contrary to popular belief, the waitlist is not just for waiting, but we can save that conversation for the next admissions cycle.

Again, congrats to Ethan (and Behram). If you’re interested in similar support to conquer admissions, check out the free College Confidence Community or schedule a free 45-minute call with me so we can hash out your admissions hurdles. If the call goes well, and you seem like a fit for the program, we can discuss that possibility too.

Congrats again, Ethan!



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