Interview with 2027 Brown Admit: Akshat Mehta

Jack Beecher here

Last week, I released the first interview I conducted with Ivy Admits. For those of you who haven’t yet checked it out, watch that one here.

This week, I’m continuing with the excitement and releasing the 2nd interview. I’m super excited about this project and believe these interviews provide tremendous insight to all families, not just those vying for Ivy League admission, so make sure to check them out.

For those of you who are curious, the colleges of students we are interviewing are: Brown, Brown, Harvard, Stanford, and Dartmouth (me).

If these interviews aren’t exciting enough, we have additional great news: I’m building my own section in the College Confidence Roadmap dedicated exclusively to helping students get into top schools. I just crafted the first item of the "Ivy Roadmap", and I can't wait to see how it helps future students.

But back to the interviews. The one I’m releasing this week is with a friend of mine named Akshat Mehta. Akshat is another standout student going to Brown, and also the brightest student at my High School, so his perspective on admissions is well worth the listen.

We talk about his activities, grades, test scores, honors, essays, and all things that helped him get into his dream school, Brown. Additionally, we discussed tips that YOU can use to achieve similar results.

As of a couple days ago, the interview is now live on Youtube, so check it out here:

In case you haven’t already clicked on the video, here are a couple more details about the interview.

  1. In the description, there are time stamps for each section of what we discuss. Go to the ones you need!

  2. It’s also available on Spotify (here)

If you’re enjoying these interviews so far, and looking forward to more, subscribe to our Youtube so you’re notified when they release.

After watching these interviews, if you’re interested in learning more about admissions or overcoming your specific struggles, schedule a free 45-minute call with Jack Delehey and join the free College Confidence Community. There’s a lot of cool stuff happening in our community, and we want you to be a part of it!




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