Meet The Palmore/Furgiuele Family

Meet Cliff (left), Eva (2nd from left) and Fanny (right, HS Sophomore).  Also included in the picture are Eva’s younger sister and a very cute puppy.

This case study originally highlighted in April 2021

Cliff, Eva, and Fanny reached out  because, as the world begins to return to a somewhat more normal state, that inevitable "college" word started to creep up in day-to-day conversations.

And after an entire year of attending high school remotely, all three wanted to make sure they didn’t fall behind when it came to college planning.

Let’s break it down:

Who? Eva Palmore (HS Sophomore, 1st child in family to go through the college search process), Cliff Palmore (caring father), Fanny Furgiuele (caring mother)
Problem: Cliff and Fanny wanted to have the comfort of a start-to-finish college coach and program for Eva...and they wanted to make sure that coach wasn’t themselves!
Solution: Join the
4-Year, All Inclusive, Start-to-Finish College Confidence Program

Did it work? It seems, even after day 1, it has done the trick (I don’t think I’ve ever been compared to an experienced ski coach before, and am exclusively a snowboarder myself these days, but I’ll take it!):

Sometimes, it’s nice to be able to completely let go of a major, daunting (for some) task.  In this case, for Cliff and Fanny, that was guiding their first child through the college planning process.  Perhaps for you, that task is something else.  But, if that task you’d like to let go is college planning for your child, or perhaps might be college planning for your child, we are here to help you take that task off your plate!

To your college planning success,
Jack Delehey

P.S. - Do you have a highly motivated high schooler (min. 3.7 GPA)? We specialize in changing the lives of these exact types of students. If you'd like, you can learn more here.


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