It’s Essay Writing Season

Essay writing: the dreaded focal point of every high school student’s nightmares. The personal statement must be perfect: the idea original, the prose engaging, and the grammar spectacular. If the essay doesn’t achieve this level of impossible mastery, all work throughout high school will have been for nothing.

Except, it’s not like that at all. There is no perfect personal statement, no students writing Shakespearean-level stories about their life to immediately win admission into their dream schools, and no admissions officers looking to reject you for missing a comma.

Rather, all those great essays you have read and can only dream about writing are just that: great. In our program, we ignore the perfect, and make it our goal to help students go for great, and with the right support, we believe that's more than possible.

Piotr, our newest college coach, recently had a meeting with a student where he talked through this exact idea: how to craft a great essay. And lo and behold, the student he was helping immediately became unstuck in the process and felt confident about her essay going forward.

If you’re interested in how Piotr helped her brainstorm killer essay topics, or are just interested in general essay-writing tips, check out this actual meeting between the two. This raw, unfiltered insight that we provide all families in our program is what we believe is most beneficial, and we want to share it with your family.

Check it out:

Are you interested in this same type of hands-on essay writing support? If so, book a free 45-minute call with me where we can talk through any of your specific college planning hurdles… including the essay. If that goes well and you want to, we can talk about the possibility of your family joining our program.

For more free essay writing advice, join the free College Confidence Community and navigate to section 5.1 in the classroom section to watch a video from the essay writing company we, as a program, are partnered with.

Happy essay drafting,



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