The Stress of College Admissions Gone in Days

Almost two years ago now, Behram, who you might be familiar with from a past blog, and his family reached out to us for college admissions help. Like most, they were stressed and slightly anxious about the confusing admissions process waiting for them. Behram was a stand-out student, but would that be enough for him to get into one of his dream colleges?

But before we get into the story of Behram and how his college journey ended up, I’d first like to direct you to our free College Confidence Community dedicated exclusively to helping parents of high schoolers. Some of the resources that Behram used to achieve admissions success, as you will see later, are available for free there, so we’d highly recommend that your family check it out, especially if you're interested in lowering the stress associated with admissions.

But back to Behram’s story. When his family joined the program in September of 2021, we had Behram, as we do for all our students, fill out a quick pre-program survey to get a grasp of where he was at.

Here’s what Behram had to say:

Just like that, in a matter of days, the worry about college seemed to evaporate for Behram… he was excited. Of course, there was still a lot of hard work ahead of him, but he was ready for that challenge. That readiness was made apparent after he completed Section 6 of the program and said this:

He felt great, everything was good, and he even had seven submitted applications under his belt, so let’s jump forward to today and see how everything shook out, and more excitingly, where he’s going to college.

The other day, I received this email from him:

YES! Off the waitlist at Boston College, a roughly 16% acceptance rate school, is an event worthy of massive congratulations. And it was great to hear he leaned on the waitlist advice we teach in the College Confidence Program to give himself the best chance of admission success off the waitlist.

Oh, and we were actually 2/2 this year with the BC waitlist.  We received these emails just days later from another one of our students:

Again, congrats to Behram (and all our waitlist success stories). If you’re interested in similar support to conquer admissions, and you want more than just the College Confidence Community, schedule a free 45-minute call with me so we can hash out your admissions hurdles. If that goes well, and you seem like a fit for the program, we can discuss that possibility too.

Congrats again, Behram,


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