Jack Beecher Introduction Blog

Hi, I’m Jack Beecher, the newest member of the CollegeConsulting.us Team, and like most of you, or your child, I don’t even know where I’m going to college yet. I’m a senior from Iowa who's currently still a student in the program, and now I’m also the director of content. Working with Jack Delehey over the past year has been both a joy and a big help, and I’m ready to pay that forward by assisting Jack in his mission. Not only have I found Jack to be an inspiring and helpful coach with near-endless tips for navigating the rocky, unpredictable admissions landscape, but also a role model who’s shown me firsthand what it means to create meaning and live a life that counts.

But you probably know enough about him, so I’ll return to me. As I said, I’m a senior from Iowa, and I’m in the calm before the storm regarding the admissions process. After working with Jack to construct a school list, write essays, compose my activities section, and request teacher recommendations, I’m now doing nothing. I’m patiently waiting for my decisions to come back.

As many of you know, or will know, this is a stressful, uncertain time but also one filled with freedom and adventure. I hope that by experiencing the process now, in this unprecedented era of admissions, I can offer unique insight to assist you or your child in navigating one of the most important periods of your/their lives. So in addition to directing content, down the line, I’ll produce blogs/videos of my own and share what I know to help your family conquer the process.

Outside of college admissions, I spend most of my time golfing, but when not on the course, I love playing chess, watching movies, working out, and reading. Academically, my main focuses are computer science and math, but I'm fascinated by philosophy, psychology, and economics as well. I hope to combine those passions and work toward a future in AI, but who really knows what I'll end up doing.

If anyone has any questions regarding me, my role, or the college admissions process from the perspective of someone currently in it, don’t hesitate to reach out. I’m looking forward to contributing to the CollegeConsulting.us community and assisting in the best way I can to help your family crush the college admissions process.

Have a wonderful day,



Recording of Webinar with Larry Cheung


Safety, Probable, Target, Reach: Why a balanced school list is critical (and how to balance it!)