Meet Gus (HS junior/Birmingham AL) & Beth (Gus’ mother)

Meet the Bailey family (Birmingham, AL). Gus (the tallest one, far left) started working with me this past summer. His mother, Beth (pictured far right), initially reached out because she identified a sticking point with her son in regards to next steps, college planning, and thinking about the future in general:

“(Gus) works hard, but I don’t think he has a strong idea yet of what he wants to focus on.” Gus had all the makings of a stellar student, but he and Beth were unsure how to harness his hard work into short, actionable steps to really get going in the college search process.

Let’s break it down:

Who? Beth & her high school junior, Gus

Problem: A lack of focus when it comes to college planning. Should we visit nearby schools first? Focus on schools that offer majors in areas he enjoys? Should we do virtual tours? Where to start?

Solution: Join The DCC College Confidence Program

Did it work? On day 1, I met with Gus to walk through a personalized timeline just for him. Recently, he just knocked down a huge milestone, completing the first major section of the program, where I show students exactly how to start the school search...and how to do so effectively so you aren’t spinning your wheels. Here’s his quote after finishing Section 1 (and there are still 8 more to go over the next two years!):

Gus is cruising--and that’s not just me saying that. He’d tell you the same. His confidence grows by the day...which means his mom’s does too! College involves everyone in the family (whether a teenager wants to admit that or not) if your high schooler seems relaxed, but you, the parent, aren’’re only 50% of the way there.

Trust me, there is a better way!

When it comes to college planning do you want to help your child go from a “lack of focus” and “don’t know where to start” to an immediate, clear, structured plan that lets you sleep at night? (And, as a side note, might actually be a little fun for your high schooler, as they gain real, deep-down confidence each and every week in the program, little by little working towards college admissions success their senior fall).

If you want to give your high school child the feeling of tremendous confidence over the next two years, instead of watching them struggle to figure it all out on their own, don’t hesitate to reach out (or pass the link onto a family who could use it!).

Happy college-searching,



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Help congratulate Molly on not 1, but 2 college acceptances!