Meet Robert, Student at Boston College

Meet Robert, a student at Boston College.

Last year, Robert reached out because he was struggling with his school work.  He was overwhelmed and under-slept, with no real method to change his situation.

This case study originally highlighted in December 2020

Robert reached out as an undergraduate in college, but here’s the thing: he could have reached out much sooner, as early as his freshman year of high school.  Study habits are study habits, regardless of when they are learned.

Robert didn’t know where to begin when it came to his study habits...but he knew he needed to make a change.

Let’s break it down:

Who? Robert
Problem: Inability to work efficiently, no system for determining what schoolwork to focus on
Solution: Join The Start-to-Finish, All-Inclusive College Confidence Program

Did it work? It sure did!  Less than two months after joining the College Consulting Program, Robert was happier and more successful in the classroom than he had been his whole life...all while getting a healthy amount of sleep, too!

Robert recently shared his thoughts with the greater Community --

Robert reached out while in college, but you (and your child) shouldn’t wait until college to establish proper study habits.  High school truly is the right time for students to set themselves up for classroom success.

That’s why in my college planning course I spend so much time working on high school study habits.  After all, high school grades are, and will always be, the #1 most important factor in college admissions.  Everything else is secondary.

Jay, does your son or daughter need help setting up proper study habits that will help them in the classroom and improve their college admissions chances?

Click here to see if and how we can help (or pass the link along to your fellow parent that might be able to use it)!

To your college planning success,
Jack Delehey

P.S. - Have a high-performing high schooler w/ a 3.7 GPA or higher? We specialize in changing the lives of students just like this, giving them the right structure, mentorship, and accountability to excel in high school...and ultimately gain admission into the college of their dreams.  We do it year after year after yearIt's not rocket science.  But it is a science

P.P.S - Our most common question is "When should we start?!"  The answer is, if you truly care about giving your high schooler the best chance of college planning success, you should start NOW. 9th grade is not too early to start! 10th grade is certainly not too early to start! And 11th grade is far, far too late! (supporting data here to show just how much of an advantage you give your child by starting the process early).


Welcome Jack, Kindra, and Karl! (With one choice, their college planning concerns are eliminated)


Bumping this - FULL Interview - Low Class Rigor, No Test Scores & Vanderbilt Acceptance